Autumn Equinox: Gratitude, Reflection, and Letting Go

The Autumn Equinox is celebrated as a time of reflection, transformation, and letting go. With its warm colors, abundant harvest, and harmony of day and night, it invites us to pause, look inwards, and appreciate the blessings in our life. It’s also a time that reminds us of change and transformation. Just as trees shed their leaves, we can also release what no longer serves us, and make space for new beginnings and personal growth.
Change is the only constant in life, yet as creatures of habit we often hold on to what feels familiar and struggle to let go of what is no longer helpful to our evolution. Transitions can feel overwhelming to manage when the complex emotions of stress, confusion, anxiety, fear, and sadness arise.

During this season of transformation, here are some healing mindfulness-based practices that can support you with gratitude, reflection, and letting go:

    • Slow Down 

    We live in a fast-paced culture that demands constant striving. Mindfulness is a grounding practice that supports you to stay aware of the present moment and focus on doing one thing at a time (monotasking) with the full attention of your mind and body. Notice without judgment the quality of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations in your body when you allow yourself to move according to your own natural rhythm.

    • Gratitude

    Write down what you are grateful for about yourself. When focusing your attention outwards, it is easy to get trapped in the harmful habits of comparing, competing, and criticizing. We forget to remember our inner strengths, positive qualities, and accomplishments. Science has shown that daily intentional gratitude can help to shape neural pathways to develop a healthier mindset.

    • Positive Affirmations

    Positive affirmations are self-affirming phrases that support you in cultivating a sense of self-love and confidence. They can also challenge unhealthy, wasteful, and negative thoughts. Positive affirmations are most effective when they are connected to your core values and sense of truth. 

    • Self Soothing 

    Self-soothing is especially helpful during times of emotional upheaval. In the same way a mother soothes her baby in distress, self compassion is a nurturing way to soothe yourself. Offer yourself the precious gift of your own loving presence, tune in and listen to your own needs. Give yourself permission to feel all your emotions and honour your needs. 

    • Spirituality

    Spirituality is often overlooked in our materialistic world. However, it can offer an abundance of inner strength and resilience. There are many ways to connect with your spirituality, such as through nature, meditation, prayer, and music. Spirituality is different from religion — whereas religion is based on following an external doctrine of beliefs and rituals, spirituality is based on your own personal values and authentic experiences. 

    • Gentle Movement

    Move your body in ways that feel joyful and calming to you. We are embodied beings, which means mind, body, and emotions are all interconnected. Consider combining mindful intentions, gratitude, and positive affirmations with gentle free flowing movements. This collaboration of body and mind is healing and restorative.

I leave you with a Buddhist saying that has helped me to soften my perspective during times of change in my own life: “In the end, only three things matter, how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
If you would like to learn more about how mindfulness can support you through life’s transitions, please consult with a therapist at Bloom Well Therapy. We would be honoured to support your journey.
WRITTEN BY Monica Maheshwari,RP, MSc.

Monica Maheshwari is a Psychotherapist working with Bloom Well Therapy who is passionate about supporting children and women’s health and well-being through compassionate and holistic care. She is interested in integrating meditation and mindfulness-based approaches within psychotherapy to nurture self-love, resilience, and healthy relationships.

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